Leading Ladies

Leading PGT Innovations into the future.

Education, empowerment, and elevation. Our Leading Ladies platform was initiated to help women rise into and within leadership roles at PGT Innovations. Together we work to shape a company culture that fosters continuous skill building, encouragement, and promotion to help our members reach their goals — and the highest levels of the organization.

Leading Ladies offers mentorship and meaningful experiences to team members in every area of our company. We believe that each one of us has the power to meet our potential and lead PGT Innovations successfully into the future.

"Our goal was to find a way to connect with and mentor ladies, to help them talk through their career goals and help them find the right direction to pursue. Leading Ladies does just that by providing women in our organization the opportunity to network with other women; to be mentored and coached by other women; to grow in their careers; and to be introduced to new career paths."

Leading Ladies Board of Directors

The Leading Ladies Board is comprised of our top female leaders representing a cross section of the business divisions and serves to oversee the budget, nominations, and activities sponsored by Leading Ladies.  

Rachel Evans

Sr. Vice President, Human Resources

Melissa Miner

Vice President, Development & Team Member Engagement

Kristy Meadows

Vice President, Sales Operations

Liz Rodriguez

Sr. Director, Sales Operations

Leading Ladies Committee

The Leading Ladies Committee are Leading Ladies who volunteer their time and are responsible for the activities throughout the year focused on education, empowerment, and elevation. 

Amy Costner

Sr. Manager, Sales & Operations Planning | PGT Innovations

JoAnn Collins

Master Scheduler | Anlin Windows & Doors

Leonor Lanier

Senior HR Business Partner | Anlin Windows & Doors

Michelle Johnson

Controller | NewSouth Windows

Sherri Connor

Digital Learning Specialist | PGT Innovations

Toni Allen

Quality Systems Engineer 2 | PGT Innovations


"Composed, compassionate and continually growing."
"Willing to take the lead in helping others to grow and succeed in whatever they want to achieve."
"Someone you can trust and genuinely wants to support others in succeeding."
"Committed to providing leadership and support."
"A leader who works contributes ideas to improve our processes."
"Committed to helping the team grow, through mentoring, to become even better versions of themselves."
"Inspiring, uplifting and the best version of themselves."
"Someone who builds up and supports the efforts of others."
"Committed to helping others to achieve their potential."
"A leader who works in creating relationships with team members."
"Compassionate, “softly firm”, driven, and supportive."
"Compassionate but strong-willed."
"Someone we can all look up to while we are reaching our goals."
"A woman who helps empower others and shows generosity with her time and knowledge."
"Leading with passion and integrity."
"Kind, courageous, not afraid to speak her mind, and not afraid to break barriers."
Not defined by the absence of weakness, but rather by the presence of clear strengths.
Supportive, Inspirational, Creative, but most of all Helpful.
Supportive, compassionate, role models.
Not afraid to step out of their comfort zone, are mindful, find opportunities for improvement, and overall have a kind heart.
women who celebrate, assist and empower each other to help achieve personal and professional goals.
fierce women who uplift and inspire through their words and actions.
creating diversity in the workplace which leads to better decision making, improved productivity, and higher morale.
A collective of powerful women who work together as leaders.
supportive of each other & contribute to a more positive and robust workplace environment.
often the first to take on difficult challenges and the last to quit.
determined to make a lasting impact and set an example of what is possible.
fueled by a strong vision and sense of purpose.
creating a culture of inclusion & respect, to show that everyone can make a difference no matter their background or gender.
an example to others of smart, strong, kind, capable women.
Fearless, selfless leaders who make an impact.
confident women who possess a pioneering mindset and lead with integrity.
Proud, Genuine, Transformative, Inspiring
A group of women who support each other and are focused on both career growth and personal growth.
Inspirational female role models who work together to support the community, the business, and each other.
An inspiration.
visionaries creating the framework for future female leaders.
making a difference.
the future.
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Expanding our reach

Part of our collective vision for Leading Ladies is to extend our reach beyond PGT Innovations’ walls, including non-profit organizations that share in our mission, such as Girls Inc., which aims to increase opportunities for all girls.

Leading Ladies is also a member of Women in Manufacturing, a national and global trade association dedicated to supporting women in the manufacturing industry. This membership provides great resources to help us grow and develop.

Professional Development



Encouragement & Support

Be part of PGT Innovations' Leading Ladies

Leading Ladies nominations are called for and considered annually. To qualify, nominees must be an exempt employee of PGT Innovations (or any of our family of brands) for at least one year and display the following:

Nominations close at the end of Q1 each year. Contact [email protected] for more information.


“I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles”
- Audrey Hepburn

Rachel Evans

Vice President of Human Resources, Southeast Division

How does Leading Ladies support the women of Miter Brands?

The Leading Ladies initiative provides a platform for women to support and empower each other on our own personal journey’s because behind every great woman are great women.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

Women are making a significant impact in manufacturing today by championing diversity and inclusion in the workplace, driving innovation, and setting the standard for work-life balance. Groups like Leading Ladies provides that collaboration and support for women to keep pushing forward.

“Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway.”
- Mary Kay Ash

Melissa Miner

Vice President of Human Resources, Western Division

How does Leading Ladies support the women of Miter Brands?

Builds relationship and strengthens skills through networking and fellowship across the organization.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

It builds confidence in women in a male dominated industry and brings a new, fresh perspective to how we work.

“You don’t need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you handle your imperfections."
- Ziad K. Abdelnour

Kristy Meadows


How does Leading Ladies support the women of Miter Brands?

Leading Ladies shows our company’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive culture, and it will help us attract and retain top talent who are passionate about making the world a better place. By being willing to help others succeed, we achieve success together. Our Leading Ladies initiative inspires and empowers our women to reach their full potential. Through mentorship programs, professional development opportunities, and employee resource groups, Leading Ladies creates a supportive environment where women can thrive.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

Many industries attract women but struggle to retain them, especially as they climb the ladder. This, in turn, creates a lack of visible role models in our industry. A sense of belonging and feeling heard is crucial for retention. By working together to make Leading Ladies a resounding success, we are setting a new standard for our industry and leaving a positive legacy for future generations.

“Keep showing up”
- Des Linden

Liz Rodriguez

Sr. Director, Sales Operations

How does Leading Ladies support the women of Miter Brands?

The Leading Ladies is an incredible network of women who encourage, support, mentor/mentee others to grow both professionally and personally throughout the organization into new leadership or higher level leadership roles. Learning from and leaning on one another to find/have a voice and be heard in any setting, stand up for what you believe in, gain confidence in yourself and the ability to break through times of uncertainly and uncomfortableness and also able to share commonalities in challenges we face as women and women working in the Fenestration industry.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

To bring awareness in attracting top talent or hidden talent due to limited exposure some women may currently have. This gives them the platform and runway to have the opportunity to further their career. Encouraging other women to join male dominated industries throughout the world and make an impact on the organization and themselves; not only for our current workforce but aspire for the younger generations is powerful.

“No matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything.”
- Inky Johnson

Amy Costner

Sr. Manager, Sales & Operations Planning Window Solutions

How does Leading Ladies support the women of PGTI?

The Leading Ladies initiative supports the women of PGTI by fostering an inclusive and empowering environment.


What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

Groups like Leading Ladies can play a pivotal role in promoting gender diversity, empowering women professionals, and driving positive change within any industry.

“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.”
- Madeleine Albright

JoAnn Collins

Master Scheduler | Anlin Windows & Doors

How does Leading Ladies support the women of PGTI?

Leading Ladies of PGTI supports other women by empowering them with various resources and opportunities to continue in learning and developing our self-worth and passion to be able to give back to others. Cultivating a supportive environment giving us the power and knowledge to know there is no limit to what we can accomplish in both our professional life and who we are outside of work.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

Groups such as Leading Ladies can provide women who are struggling to find their voice, a platform to lean on other women, to find their inner strength and confidence to be more, do more. To learn we as women, have a spot in male dominated workspaces and to not let anyone burn out our light.

"Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
- Theodore Roosevelt

Leonor Lanier

Senior HR Business Partner | Anlin Windows & Doors

How does Leading Ladies support the women of PGTI?

Leading Ladies of PGTi promotes women from all backgrounds to come together, encourage and develop each other and be the best they can be. And if you add the support of our male leaders it continues to motivate us; we know we can accomplish anything together.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

In a male dominant industry, it is a true inspiration to see what other women have done and continue to do.

"If you believe in yourself, anything is possible.”

Michelle Johnson

Controller | NewSouth Windows

How does Leading Ladies support the women of PGTI?

It creates an environment for not only women supporting women but for the company to support all women at PGTI. The initiatives align with our company values and the Leading Ladies group goes out into the community to support the women of our communities.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

It can inspire others in the industry to have similar group to support the women in their organizations. It shows that investing in our future with groups like Leading Ladies that we are supporting our employees and putting our employees first.

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
- Mary Oliver

Sherri Connor

Digital Learning Specialist | PGT Innovations

How does Leading Ladies support the women of PGTI?

Leading Ladies provides a community of supportive peers that cheer one another on to greatness, both professionally and personally. Through various opportunities, we connect, learn and inspire each other and those around us.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

It gives strength, confidence and encouragement to others in male-dominated spaces, without sacrificing femininity or individuality. It gives employers a way to develop future female leaders from within.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain.”
- Vivian Greene

Toni Allen

Quality Systems Engineer 2 | PGT Innovations

How does Leading Ladies support the women of PGTI?

I believe the Leading Ladies initiative supports the women of PGTI by showing them that women in manufacturing are valued team members based on their merits.


What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

The diverse group of Leading Ladies across PGTI can show all ladies in the industry they can have the career they desire while providing them with the tools to create a path for achieving their own goals, both personally and professionally.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
- Wayne Gretzky

Alyssa Snider

Vice President, Human Resources

How does Leading Ladies support the women of Miter Brands?

Leading Ladies is a place where others understand that sometimes being a female leader in a male dominated industry can be tough. It’s safe place to connect, challenge and support one another to learn and grow, and to provide a path for future leaders.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

We have an opportunity to partner with our customers and suppliers, and in our local communities, doing our part to inspire, educate and engage women in our industry. Our future relies on building pipelines of talented individuals who will be excited to join us.

“The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved, women who live bravely, both tender and fierce, women of indomitable will.”
- Amy Tenney

Debbie LaPinska

Founder of Leading Ladies

How does Leading Ladies support the women of PGTI?

Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved, women who live bravely, both tender and fierce, women of indomitable will.

What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?

Promote and inspire more women leaders in our industry and beyond.

"Passion, determination, and kindness are important leadership qualities. You need them all to focus on the bigger picture and connect with others in a meaningful way."

Christy Sackett

Senior Director of Marketing, Southeast Division

How does Leading Ladies support the women of PGTI?
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What can groups like Leading Ladies do for the industry?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lobortis volutpat vehicula. Suspendisse vestibulum diam a nisl mollis convallis eu eget mi. Mauris sapien dui, pretium non facilisis eget, vulputate at turpis. Integer viverra dolor eros, sit amet dignissim mi blandit sit amet. Integer condimentum ac quam id interdum.

Why should someone join Leading Ladies?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lobortis volutpat vehicula. Suspendisse vestibulum diam a nisl mollis convallis eu eget mi. Mauris sapien dui, pretium non facilisis eget, vulputate at turpis. Integer viverra dolor eros, sit amet dignissim mi blandit sit amet. Integer condimentum ac quam id interdum.