Congratulations on achieving PGT Innovations 2019 Circle of Innovators Platinum partner! While we were unable to meet in person for this year’s Circle of Innovators trip, we wanted to show our gratitude for all the hard work and dedication you put forth to the PGT Innovations family of brands.

We’re hosting a special Virtual Toast & Awards Ceremony on Thursday, October 22 at 4 p.m. to celebrate your achievements during 2019. Please register below for this event.

We will be sending you a special gift to show our appreciation and to enjoy during our virtual event! Get comfortable in front of your computer and log on to safely celebrate together with the PGT Innovations team and fellow Circle of Innovators Platinum partners.

Your PGT Innovations Sales Representative will be delivering your 2019 Circle of Innovators awards (or they will be mailed to you based on your location). Let’s have some fun! Take a creative picture with your award and upload through the registration form. We will show these photos during the virtual event while we cheers to a great year together!